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MINUTES General Membership Meeting March 25, 2016 8:00 p.m.


General Membership Meeting

March 25, 2016

8:00 p.m.


Meeting starts at 8:10 p.m.

Laurie Dawdy motions to pass the minutes.  Mark Ballard seconds the motion.

Treasurer’s Report

Lavonné Plum presents the report and asks if anyone has questions.  There are no questions.

Article 15

L. Plum explains what Article 15 is, shares that Luukia Smith and Gary Turner came out of that meeting feeling good about our stance in arbitration with the district.  Arbitrators will be preparing their reports—they have until March 30th to submit the report.   

Building Power

Cindy Lopez begins by introducing herself and explaining to the membership about what she and Laurie Dawdy have been doing during the Building Power campaign.  She shares her personal story and stresses to the membership the importance of unity, and how that will serve us all well during negotiations.

Laurie Dawdy also shares her personal story and further explains what the Building Power is all about, and how we need to be part of the change towards progress.  She explains that a few people (the Executive Board), shouldn’t be the only ones doing everything.

L. Plum says we need to talk to each other—COMMUNICATION is key to growing a strong membership.  She reminds everyone that the union is here for them.


Meetings will be after work, location TBD.

Contract language: we need members to look over our contract and compare that language to contracts from other districts.

L. Smith mentions that a recent issue that has come up is not having proper safety equipment when entering buildings, especially for the night crew.  She suggests we look to add proper language to enforce new safety precautions.  Onnis Flores shares a particular situation where he was hurt because he didn’t have proper equipment.  Don Santoianni suggests we look at Local 1521’s contract language.

There is mention of insubordination, and for members to be careful to not refuse to do something, but rather ask for proper equipment before engaging in an assignment.  L. Plum points out that groups are a good idea.  Management can discredit one person, but it is more difficult to discredit a group of individuals.

Leyna Bernal asks what to do if management has sent them in multiple times into what can be considered an unsafe situation.  L. Smith responds that the group suggestion applies.  Mark Ballard asks if you can ask for overtime pay if your assignment goes over 8 hours. 

Other Business

Luukia announces an upcoming group camping trip from April 22nd – 25th to the El Capitan campsite. The first 30 people who respond can go on the trip.

Meeting is adjourned at 9:02 p.m.

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