Meeting starts at 12:09 p.m.
Lavonné Plum introduces Luis Mancia to lead us in the flag salute.
Luis Mancia leads us in the flag salute.
Treasurer’s Report
Angie Gardea presents the treasurer’s report and asks the membership if they have any questions. Jimmy Macareno asks about the ‘Good and Welfare’ line in the report. A. Gardea explains the expenses have been spent on charitable donations–she said she would look into it and would email him later.
Article 15
L. Plum shares that Luukia Smith felt good about our stance in arbitration with the district. Arbitrators will be preparing their reports—they have until March 30th to submit the report. J. Macareno asks if there are any violations of the contract. L. Plum explains that L. Smith will be reporting the findings.
Building Power
Cindy Lopez begins by introducing herself and explaining to the membership about what she and Laurie Dawdy have been doing during the Building Power campaign. She shares her personal story and stresses to the membership the importance of unity, and how that will serve us all well during negotiations.
Laurie Dawdy also shares her personal story and further explains what the Building Power is all about, and how we need to be part of the change towards progress. She explains that a few people (the Executive Board), shouldn’t be the only ones doing everything.
L. Plum speaks about how we have become comfortable with e-mail, and how she remembers when you had to walk your paperwork to get signatures—emphasizing the importance of getting out and getting to know your colleagues. J. Macareno commends C. Lopez and L. Dawdy for their report. He reminds everyone that if we are talking about union brothers and sisters we should truly stand together and ensure this round of negotiations go better than our last one. L. Plum responds that this Building Power campaign is a push to try to obtain better contract language. She suggests that members take a look at our contract, review contracts from other districts and compare.
L. Plum announces that negotiations are coming up and we will be needing members to review contract language from other districts. She encourages the membership to contact the E-board if they have suggestions.
Other Business
L. Plum announces an upcoming group camping trip from April 22nd – 25th to the El Capitan campsite. The first 30 people who respond can go on the trip.
Meeting is adjourned at 12:48 p.m.